"Duceti-va si faceti ucenici din toate neamurile, botezandu-i in Numele Tatalui si al Fiului si al Sfantului Duh" Matei 28:19

Monday, August 15, 2011

Prayer Letter June -July

                                  Prayer letter June – July 2011
“O Lord, be gracious to us; we have waited for You;Be their arm every
morning, our salvation also in the time of trouble!”
Isaiah 33:2
Dear brothers and sisters,
In the last months the Lord blessed us in a special way and we saw His power at work in the midst of us. Is so great to be called “sons of God” and to have the honor to work together with Him for His kingdom!
Here, in Malawi the things are in a continuing change and it seems are worse and
worse. Last time we were telling you about the lack of fuel and the prices growing, now
in the last months the things are going worse and it had been strikes against the
government because of the hard situation in the country. On these demonstrations 18
people lost their lives. On the 17th of this month, the people will go again on the streets,
if until than there will be no changes, and it seems not to be...Pray for us and our
protection this period and also for the country and the hard situation here.
Pray for us, and together with us, that the Lord will have mercy on this country
and that we will be able to continue our mission here in freedom.
Because of the cold season that we had here, all of us were sick, but we praise the
Lord that now we are all well again. Thank you for your prayers for us!
On the 5th of June, we had our 7th anniversary from our wedding. We praise the
Lord for the strength and love that bind us until now! Thank you for praying for us as a

In these two months we had the opportunity to be involved in more works like: camps
for children and youth, Bible Study meetings, visits in different villages, conferences for
With the help of the Lord we organized 7 camps in different villages. The smallest
camp was with 120 children, and the biggest was over 1300! Together with a team of
young people from Northern Ireland, we were happy to see how the Lord was working
in these camps, even in the hearts of the little ones! The program of the camp was :
breakfast, Bible lesson, songs, games, lunch, Bible message. We pray that the Lord will
work in their hearts and at His time to save them!

We were also able to finish the nursery school and orphan care from Kachioka
village, thanks to the Lord and to you those who opened their hearts to give for this
work! At the opening of the nursery came chiefs from different villages, to see what will
happen there. We pray that the opening of the new year and term, to be able to receive
more children, and that through this work will have a time to tell them about the Lord!
Thank you again to all of you who are part of this ministry through your prayers and
your support! May the Lord reward you!!
Opening of the nursery school

In the village of Nsanama, where we built the school block, we are continuing the
Bible Study meetings and we are glad to see the opening of the people to hear the Word
of God. We are studying the Main Doctrines of the Scriptures and we are also discussing
about the practices in different churches here that are not according to God's Word. We
pray that the Lord will work in the hearts of these people and that they would come to
know the Lord in a personal way!

His name is A. B. Chipanda and he is 94 years old. He was a soldier in Malawi
Army and for many years he fought on different fronts. When he retired, he joined a
mosque, that was the only place where people were praying in that community. Until last
year, he was a serious member of that mosque and very respected by those of his
community, but it happened that one day he went at one of the Bible Study meetings that
one of the pastors we work with, organized in that area, and from that day he never
missed the meetings. One day when he was confronted with the question: Where you
will spend your eternity? he realized that the religion which he was following didn't give
him any assurance concerning eternity, and since than a fight started in his heart. God
gave him faith and saved him, and now he is a believer full of peace and joy. Pray that
the Lord will help him to be a testimony for his village!

On the 29th of July, together with brother Graeme,( a dear brother that is visiting us
sometime) we organised a conference for leaders in different churches. The conference
was at the church where Macphary goes. There were 38 leaders from different parts of
the country and also from Mozambique, a neighbor country. Brother Grame presented a
Study about the leaders of church and their responsibility in the local church. We spent
some our together that were a benefit for all of us. At this conference I met 2 veterans of
this country. They are 94 and 92 years old and are two special men. They are the oldest
persons I met here in Malawi. Pray together with us that these leaders to be used by the
Lord in the places they are.
Thank you all again that are praying for us and you give for the work here in
Malawi, being a part of this ministry. We are encouraged to know that are many that
pray for us. We pray that the blessing of the Lord be with you and to guide you in
With love, in the Lord,
Marianciuc Family
Emilian, Loredana, Samuel & Salomeea
Some prayer requests:
-For us as a family, that the Lord will protect us and guide us in everything
-For Samuel and the opening of the new year at school, that the Lord will provide
for the school fees that are so big...
-For the children that will start nursery at Kachioka and the program of the orphan
care, and the needs there
-For the children's and youth's ministry
-For the problems that are here in the country and the freedom to share the Gospel
-For the camp that we will have on the 27th of August in Matawale
As a future project:
-for the program of the Bible School that we want to start end of this year with
believers from different parts of the country.

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