Prayer letter April-May 2011
“ Blessed be the Lord, because he has heard the voice of my
supplications.”! Psalms 28:6
Dear brothers and sisters,
Another 2 months passed, and looking behind, we praise the Lord for His amazing
way that worked in our lives. These 2 months were full of activities, mainly in
construction work, but we were surrounded by blessings in the works we were involved.
As a family, we enjoyed celebrating Samuel's birthday in a special way. His
desired cake with dinosaur, Loredana made for him and he was really happy. He feels
bigger now and taking some of the responsibilities around the house, is a help and a
blessing for us. Looking at him, many times we see how time is passing and sometimes
we don't even realize. We pray that the Lord will help us to not waste our time, but live
for Him!
The Lord, in His goodness, touched our bodies when we were in suffering. We
were all sick, but we are thankful that the Lord didn't allow all of us sick in the same
time, but there was always one to take care of the others. We are glad to see that the
Lord took us in His hand and listened to our prayers and of course your prayers. Thank
you all for praying for us even in this hard period.
In the mission work, many times we come through different situations,
discouragements, sorrows and many times we saw ourselves unable to pass through
them, but than we saw the Hand of the Lord carrying us through them, and gave us
strength. Praise be to HIM!
With the help of the Lord, we finished the building of the two classrooms in the
village. On 26th of April we had the opening, so we had the opportunity to present the
children, teachers, chiefs of the villages and the villagers a little about our work in
Malawi, and also a short Bible message about the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus.
Those 160 children that are learning in this school they have now 2 classrooms with
better conditions. We praise the Lord for helping us and we thank you also for your
support to finish this project and made it easier for us to ministry in this area. May the
Lord reward you for your giving!
Every Wednesday we have now a Bible Study in one of these rooms with the
adults. I am happy to see their interest in studying the Word of God. Many of them don't
have Bible knowledge, that is why we started to study what is really important: about
salvation and as a help we have some material in chichewa that they can also study at
home. I see this Bible Study really fruitful, because the lack of most of the churches here
are to Study the Word of God. We pray that the Lord will work in their hearts and
believing in the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus to be saved. Our desire is that the Lord will
have mercy on these villages and they will come to know the Lord.
Also, every Friday we have a meeting with the children from there. Usually the
children are coming between 80-150. We started the Bible Lessons about Salvation, and
every week they learn an important Bible verse. It is for the first time, when I am
involved every week in teaching the children, but I see this opportunity as a blessing for
me first, and is encouraging to go on, when I can see those children just listening and
being so happy to see us there. Our prayer is that God will bless this children and at His
proper time He will save them.
Loredana also started the children's groups that are meeting at our place. Every
second Tuesday the children between 5-9 years are coming to learn from the Word of
God and learn new song, that were translated in their language. Every Thursday, the
children and youth between 10-16 years are gathering for this Bible lessons. Every
Thursday are coming about 40-45 children, and they have a special time learning and
having different activities and crafts. They waited so long to re open our meetings and
most of them were visited by Loredana at their home. These visits were helping us to
know them better and know their needs. 5 of them are finishing standard 8, and will
follow a high school, this with the condition if they will be able to pay their school fees.
Here is very different the scholar system so every pupil has to pay an amount of money
for every term of school, that is why many of them they don't go for high school. From
these reasons, we pray that the Lord will help us to support them even if in a small
amount, with the school fees, to help them that are regularly coming to the Bible lessons
and are serious.
We continued to keep contact with the leaders from different areas and with the
help of the Lord we are trying to be a help spiritually but also financially. We are hoping
that starting with the month of August we will have a small class of Bible School. There
are already subscribed for the Bible courses but we didn't yet finish the classroom for
that and also for the the next two months we will have more camps for the children and
youth in different areas. Pray together with us that the Lord will provide for the needs to
finalize the place for training the leaders and give us wisdom in all decisions we have to
Also, with the help of the Lord and yours of course, not later than next week will
finish the nursery building and the orphan care building from Kachioka. There we want
to start a program of nursery with orphans or children that come from a very poor
family. We will have 20 children for the beginning and in future we are praying that the
Lord will provide and we will be able to have 60 children. Pray together with us, for all
the needs of functioning this nursery and orphan care. Also pray that the Lord will guide
our steps and give us wisdom in the work there.
We want to praise the Lord for the honor to work together with Him for His
kingdom and we are happy we can do some small things for the needs of these people,
and this thanks to you and your kindness. May the Lord reward you for everything you
do for us and the work here in Malawi.
We thank you again for your prayers and your support for us, as a family, for the work
here, and for being a part of this ministry.
With love in Christ,
from Malawi,
Marianciuc family
Emilian, Loredana, Samuel & Salomeea
“Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to present you faultless
before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, to God our Savior, who alone is
Wise, BE GLORY and MAJESTY, DOMINION and POWER, both now and
forever .Amen.”
Jude 24,25
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